Thursday, 23 December 2010

Sorry For The Delay!

Hello bog viewers! Oh, I seem to have said bog by accident. Unless you are someone that stares at toilets, then I am sorry if I offended you. Anyway, how is everyone? Haven't posted on here for nearly two whole months! I guess I have found better things to entertain myself with. Yeah, I've been grooming the horses at the local horse farm, clearing up the donkey mess at a nearby farm and just helping out with the community. LOOOL, of course I didn't. I must have confused myself with a geek. Ah well, hope everyone is well. Guess what? Does anyone know what's happening in two days (or two sleeps however you want to put it)? It's Christmas! Woopa woopa woopie woo! I'm so excited! I'm wearing my santa hat at this very moment while I type. Anyway, I shall post again tomorrow, which is christmas eve! Unless santa invites me to help with delivering the presents, wink wink, nudge nudge!
Bub-bye people who have nothing better to do than read my blog! xoxoxoxoxox